Addiction Treatment Admissions at Simcoe Addiction and Mental Health
Inpatient Addiction and Mental Health Treatment Admissions
At SAMH, we understand that the most challenging part about going to treatment is the first phone call and the in-between time before your scheduled admission. Our staff is here to support you right from the beginning to until you arrive on-site.
Our Admission Process - 3 Easy Steps
Contact Simcoe Addiction and Mental Health
Admission into Simcoe Addiction and Mental Health Treatment Center begins with contacting us. You or a loved one can be admitted without having a referral from a doctor or medical practitioner. Before admission you will be required to complete a confidential pre-assessment.
Schedule a facility visit
The moment you or a loved one decides that it’s time to go to rehab is a big step. Nerves can start to take over and sometimes spook individuals into running in the other direction. Rather than have that be the case, we invite anyone exploring treatment options and treatment facilities to contact us to schedule their tour.
Facility tours are by appointment only.
Choosing Simcoe Addiction and Mental Health
After the scheduled tour, you’ve come to the conclusion that we’re the right place and right fit for you. Awesome! When you arrive, the intake process will begin. Once the intake documents have been completed a short administration process will follow. Afterwards, staff will do a thorough search through clients’ belongings to ensure no prohibited items are brought into the facility. A detailed walkthrough of the house will follow suit and you will be shown to your shared or private room.
Should our staff discover any items that do not meet our treatment or community guidelines (illegal substances will be discarded), our team will gladly keep those items safe until the treatment program is complete.
Our Admission Requirements
- Over 18 years of age
- Capable of taking care of one’s own needs
- In good enough health to partake in therapy
- Motivated to begin recovery
Our Intake Process
Biopsychosocial Assessment
Upon admission to the program, clients are given a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment from the SAMH team to understand the client’s overall needs so a comprehensive individual treatment plan can be created.
Support From a Physician
Every client is connected with our physician to assess any medical issues and offer the client continued medical support both during and after their treatment.
Partnership With a Psychotherapist
Clients are assigned a psychotherapist whom they work with during their treatment.
What should you bring to treatment?
* = in original containers
** = printed from your pharmacy (if possible)
- Photo ID (e.g. Drivers License, Passport, Govt ID)
- Health Card, Private Insurance, Insurance Card with your name included/attached
- Social Services Documentation such as Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program (Bring the most recent benefits slips ex: Dental/Drug)
- Medical & Prescription Coverage Cards (if applicable)
- *Prescribed Medication in their original containers. Liquid Prescriptions must be sealed.
- *Unopened over-the-counter medication and supplements
- **A list of all medications with dosages and frequencies** (All medications will be given to medical staff for monitoring)
- A list of all treating physicians and psychiatrists, along with phone numbers
- A list of names and contact details of all loved ones.
Personal Items and Hygiene
Simcoe Addiction and Mental Health does have a dress code in place.
We ask that all clients dress appropriately and leave all revealing clothing or clothing with labels/messages that could be offensive or compromise sobriety at home.
Note: Each client is permitted to bring ONE suitcase.
- Weather appropriate comfortable clothing
- Fitness wear (sweats, shorts, running shoes)
- Modest bathing suits for aqua therapy
- Raincoat/umbrella for inclement weather
- Sleepwear
- Indoor shoes
- Sunscreen and bug repellent
- Toiletries: make-up, shampoo, soap, toothbrush, shaving articles, hairdryer, straightener, etc.
- Money and Debit/Credit Cards for incidentals (stored in secure lockup).
- Wristwatch (no smart watches)
- Water bottle and travel coffee mug.
- Preloaded MP3 Player (must not have a camera)
- Headphones
- *Cigarettes – if you are a smoker. Smoking cigarettes is permitted in designated outdoor areas – Please ensure you bring enough cigarettes for the duration of your stay.
- Vape pen – All cartridges must be sealed and in original packing.
What should you leave behind?
Please see the list below for all items not accepted within Simcoe Addiction and Mental Health treatment facility.
Note: Some electronics may be permitted though the ones listed below are prohibited. We will gladly hold any prohibited items within a locked storage area.
- Clothing that is suggestive of alcohol or drug use or clothing promoting sexism, hate, racism or homophobia.
- Electronic devices (tablets, kindles/e-readers, cameras, laptops, camera-enabled MP3 players or any other device with wifi capability)
- DVDs, Movies, Gaming Systems
- Cologne or perfume – we are a scent-free facility.
- Drug paraphernalia
- Pornography
- Tabacco Products – Cigars, Cigarillos, and pipes are not permitted – Please read the personal items section for items that are permitted.
- Valuables, large amounts of cash or jewelry
- Expensive sunglasses or watches
- Food and/or drinks
- Aerosols
- Alcohol-based products
- Candles or incense
- Weapons – Guns, Knives, Scissors, Razors, Sharp objects of any kind.
- Electric blankets or heating pads
- Gambling Paraphernalia – Playing cards, dice, OLG Games etc.
We're Here to Help
We understand that such a life-changing commitment may sometimes be challenging and lead to anxiety and fear. Let us make this process as easy as possible by supporting you and your loved ones.
For additional information please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.
If you have any questions or concerns please email us directly at [email protected] or use our contact form below.