Simcoe Addiction and Mental Health

Simcoe Addiction & Mental Health

ADHD Therapy & Treatment in Ontario


Since 2013 the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) officially changed the name of ADD to ADHD, with ADHD having different subtypes. However, many doctors, clinicians, and writers use ADHD to describe someone with hyperactivity and use ADD to mean inattentiveness. When looking for ADHD Treatment options in Toronto, Ontario or across Canada, it’s important to understand the different methods and therapies available.

Table of Contents

What is ADHD/ADD?

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is a chronic condition characterized by a marked inability to concentrate without other ADHD symptoms such as impulsiveness or hyperactivity. People with this condition sometimes struggle to get started and see through to completing even simple activities. Individuals with ADD/ADHD often experience frustration. People may often be fully committed to the idea of starting or completing a task yet find it challenging to complete the tasks in a timely fashion. Attention may be broken easily, and all the energy of the person may divert to a completely separate task. People with this disorder, may exhibit hyperactive behaviours.

A puzzle designed in the shape of a brain with pieces removed and someone holding a magnifying glass over it, ADHD, ADHD Treatment Toronto, What is ADHD, Signs and Symptoms of ADHD, ADHD Counselling, ADHD Clinic, ADHD Treatment Ontario

Signs and Symptoms of ADHD

The severity of the signs and symptoms of ADHD can vary dramatically from person to person and genders or sexes based on social conditioning. ADHD is often missed and occures with anxiety. When trying to determine if someone has or is struggling with ADHD, here are the most common symptoms:

  • Struggle to focus on a task
  • Misplacing items
  • Become distracted easily
  • Move slowly or fast
  • Lose things often
  • Display impulsive behaviours
  • Difficulties following instructions
  • Nervous Energy
  • Always running late


Early Diagnosis

This disorder is usually recognized earlier on in life. This often leads to challenges academically. If you believe or have been diagnosed previously, you may recall losing focus easily and becoming distracted by people walking by, scenery outside or simply zoning out. Education surrounding ADHD has gained attention in the past 20 years. The medical community is now treating a large number of people for this diagnosis.

Late Diagnosis

Although, it is often discovered in the earlier years, many adults have since been diagnosed. The uncomfortable symptoms of ADHD create challenges for adults. Paying bills, raising children and fulfilling other responsibilities may cause significant hardships. Medical doctors may intervene and suggest particular treatment options to minimize symptoms. Moods may be affected as a result of the disorder.

ADHD and Relationships

Relationships can be difficult for people with this disorder. People may find themselves having a hard time listening and remaining focused, when a loved one is trying to communicate a serious message. Interjecting or interrupting is also a characteristic of people who have this disorder. It can be quite challenging for loved ones to remain supportive when they feel that they are being dominated. The hyperactive brain prevents the person from engaging fully in the conversation and impulse control (Major characteristic) make it challenging for the conversation to go smoothly.

Inability to remain focused on the task at hand may also cause resentment for the person in the household that may be picking up the slack. At times, tasks are avoided all together which could create a misunderstanding of the affected individual as being careless or inconsiderate. In social situations, associated behaviours may be understood as being rude or inconsiderate. Fidgeting, inability to remain still, being vocal about random things when quiet is expected form others.

Characteristics associated with this disorder can be experienced each and every day by any of us. People with this diagnosis remain in this state consistently. We all may have challenges focusing from time to time, trouble concentrating, being alert, get excited and cut someone off from talking, neglect tasks and start tasks and later abandon them. Many reasons can cause these issues. However, it usually has no real impact on most peoples lives, but when experienced daily and often, the consequences and issues begin to create issues. The following are some symptoms associated with ADD/ADHD:

  • Struggle to focus on a task
  • Become distracted easily
  • Move slowly or fast
  • Lose things often
  • Display impulsive behaviours
  • Difficulties following instructions
  • Not listening to others

ADHD Treatment

Although attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) cannot be cured, it may be controlled with medication, psychotherapy, and behavioural modifications. Given the diversity of ADHD symptoms and outcomes, tailoring therapy to the specific needs of each client is necessary. With treatment and access to local services, people with ADHD have a good chance of succeeding in life and finding fulfillment despite their condition.

ADHD Treatment Options Available In Ontario:

There are two optimal ways to treat ADHD, and it boils down to strategic lifestyle changes and medications. Most people with ADHD benefit from a multimodal approach that includes pharmaceutical and psychosocial interventions. Finding the proper technique for you or your child to manage attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms and increase functioning may take some trial and error. Still, with the proper support and treatment, it is possible.

Lifestyle Changes That Can Be Made:

Some adjustments in routine may prove useful in keeping ADHD under control. A few changes to consider implementing:

  • Improve concentration and curb hyperactivity with the aid of a nutritious diet. Instead of sugary, processed meals, aim to consume a wide range of healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables, and lean meats.
  • Get a good night’s rest; a lack of sleep can adversely affect your health and your ability to focus and pay attention. Get between seven and nine hours of sleep nightly.
  • Regular exercise has been shown to ease ADHD symptoms by increasing blood flow to the brain and making chemicals that make you feel good, improve your mood, and help you focus.
  • Using a schedule can help people with ADHD maintain focus and discipline. Follow a routine for schoolwork, meals, and bedtime as much as possible.
  • Find some methods to unwind: Unfortunately, ADHD symptoms can be exacerbated by stress and worry. Try yoga, deep breathing exercises, or meditation to calm your mind and body.
  • Limit your exposure to screens; doing so has been shown to affect children’s attention and hyperactivity negatively. Limit their time in front of screens and push them toward other pursuits like sports or hobbies.
  • Seek help. Managing ADHD is difficult, but you don’t have to do it alone. Consult with a professional counsellor or therapist about your emotions and coping strategies.

Additional Techniques

Many try to use more organic approaches to treat symptoms of this disorder. Becoming active and using dopamine in the brain is a common strategy for this. Stimulating the brain is often the goal of this approach. If the brain is enabled, it will often produce better results.

For some, a change in approach might be the best way to keep their brains active as they study. An option is to utilize digital tools, such as smartphones and tablets, to research topics instead of traditional methods like books and papers. Voice recorders may be useful tools for keeping track of important information and completing important tasks.

People with ADHD have the best success when they implement routines for their habits when possible. 


What Are The Best Ways to Deal With ADHD Naturally?

It has been suggested that regular and more natural changes might help keep ADHD under control. Here are some potential tweaks to consider inquiring about with a doctor:

Focus and attention may be enhanced by eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Similarly helpful is avoiding extra sugars.

Regular physical activity can help to improve attention, reduce impulsivity, and increase overall well-being.

Getting enough quality sleep is essential for managing ADHD. A consistent sleep schedule, and avoiding electronic devices before bed can improve sleep quality.

Meditation and yoga can help to improve focus, reduce impulsivity, and decrease feelings of stress and anxiety.

Behavioral therapy, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, can help individuals with ADHD to develop coping strategies and assistance with managing symptoms.

paper cut outs of the brain with puzzle pieces and pill capsules, ADHD, ADHD Treatment Toronto, What is ADHD, Signs and Symptoms of ADHD, ADHD Counselling, ADHD Clinic, ADHD Treatment Ontario

Pharmaceuticals for ADHD

When treating someone with ADHD, medication is often an important part of the plan but choosing the right one can take some time.

To strategize you and your doctor will decide together if medication is a good idea. If so, ask your doctor if you only need medication during school or work hours, or if you also need it in the evenings and on the weekends.

You and your doctor will also decide on the best kind of medicine. There are two main types of ADHD drugs: those that make you feel more alert and those that don’t.

Amphetamines can be prescribed by doctors to those who are unable to treat their condition naturally. These drugs are frequently recommended to treat ADD/ADHD symptoms.

Due to the significant potential of reliance, doctors are extremely cautious when administering this class of drug to a patient. These drugs are quite effective at treating this disorder when regularly monitored by the prescribing doctor. People with a history of stimulant abuse may be thoroughly tested and evaluated to determine the likelihood of developing a dependency, or the doctor may suggest another course of therapy.

ADHD Inpatient Treatment

Virtual outpatient treatment can be a convenient and accessible option for individuals who may have difficulty attending in-person appointments, but it may not be suitable for all individuals and it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if virtual treatment is appropriate for you. It can include a variety of services, such as assessment and diagnosis, therapy, medication management, support groups, case management and self-help resources.

ADHD Counselling

Counselling for ADHD can be a powerful tool to tame the wild symptoms of the disorder. It’s like a personal trainer for your brain, helping you to focus better, control impulses and improve hyperactivity. It’s not uncommon for therapists to use a combination of different techniques, like CBT and family therapy, to help you achieve your goals. With counselling, you’ll learn how to identify triggers that set off your symptoms, develop effective coping strategies and create a personalized plan for managing your ADHD. The end result is better relationships, improved self-esteem and a greater sense of confidence. Plus, it’s not just you who benefits, but those closest to you will also see improvements in their interactions with you.


Treatment Strategies for Co-occurring ADHD and Substance Use Disorders

When discussing ADHD and Addiction, they are closely related, and individuals with ADHD are at a higher risk of developing a substance use disorder. Treatment for co-occurring ADHD and SUD should be comprehensive and individualized, and typically involve a combination of medication, therapy, and support services. It’s important that healthcare professionals closely monitor medication management to prevent abuse. Simcoe Addiction and Mental Health provides specialized services for individuals struggling with co-occurring ADHD and SUD and other common co-occurring disorders such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder. It is important for individuals with ADHD and substance use disorder to seek professional help and support for effective management of their condition.

ADHD, ADHD Treatment Toronto, What is ADHD, Signs and Symptoms of ADHD, ADHD Counselling, ADHD Clinic, ADHD Treatment Ontario

How To Get Diagnosed With ADHD In Ontario

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be officially diagnosed in Ontario by a doctor, nurse practitioner, psychologist, or other licensed mental health professional who is being supervised.

However, many doctors and NPs don’t conduct comprehensive ADHD exams for adults because of the time and effort involved. This means that psychologists in private practice are the only ones who may legally deliver them to their clients. What this implies is that most tests are not eligible for OHIP benefits.

The typical price range for a psychological evaluation is $2,400 to $3,500. There are also OHIP options available for those who receive a referral from a doctor. Keep in mind, too, that there’s no assurance the results of this preliminary testing will prove definitive; the psychologist may propose more testing at additional cost in order to arrive at a firm diagnosis.

It can be a lot, but there may be advantages. The psychologist will compile a comprehensive report outlining your preferred methods of work and study, from which you may draw inspiration for future endeavours or propose appropriate adjustments in your professional or academic life.

*The fee isn’t covered by Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP).

Treatment for ADHD at Simcoe Addiction and Mental Health

If symptoms are present and if medical professionals believe the use of pharmaceuticals is necessary for treatment, they can provide treatment options. Therapists and counsellors will work with you or your loved one to better understand the disorder. Skills will be introduced to help you cope in a much healthier way. People with ADD/ADHD may often be treating their disorder, unknowingly with other stimulants, such as caffeine and nicotine. At Simcoe addiction and menta health we will help you better understand the underlying factors. 

Frequently Asked Questions: ADHD

OHIP does not usually cover therapy for ADHD, but often provides benefits towards support and medications. If your current family doctor specializes in psychotherapy, the therapy will be covered. Chances are the doctor will probably recommend you to a physiatrist, which is usually covered by public health insurance.

If you or a loved one has ADHD and lives in Canada, you can get ADHD medication by visiting a doctor, such as your family doctor or a specialist like a pediatrician or a psychiatrist. It is essential to remember that medication for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is not the only option, nor is it always the best one for everyone. Consultation with a qualified medical professional is essential to provide treatment tailored to each individual’s specific needs.

ADHD treatment is not provincially regulated in Canada. Each province and territory provides its own healthcare services, so the availability and the cost of treatment may vary.

To get assessed for ADHD in Toronto, you can visit a doctor or a mental health professional such as a psychologist or a psychiatrist. They can provide a diagnosis and refer you to appropriate treatment.

To get assessed for ADHD in Ontario, you can visit a doctor or a mental health professional such as a psychologist or a psychiatrist. They can provide a diagnosis and refer you to appropriate treatment.

Yes, ADHD is considered a disability in Canada under the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. This means that individuals with ADHD have the right to equal opportunities and accommodations in the workplace and in other areas of life. In some cases tax credits may be available upon evaluation of the nature in which the individuals quality of life is impacted by.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is considered a neurodevelopmental disorder, not a mental illness. Inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity are hallmarks of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Going to school or working may become challenging for the individual experiencing these symptoms.

Yes, ADHD can be highly hereditary, so there is a genetic component. No one has yet pinpointed what exactly causes ADHD, although it is believed that a mix of hereditary and environmental variables play a role. As revealed by research, people with ADHD are more likely to have a close relative who also suffers from the condition. Several genes with an elevated risk of having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have been found via research.

ADHD is not considered a learning disability. However, it is the most common disorder that co-exists with learning disabilities. Some people diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) also have other learning difficulties, such as trouble with reading, writing, or math. Individuals diagnosed with ADHD may benefit from various educational treatments and adjustments, such as allowing more time to complete examinations and assignments or providing a calmer study space.

If you or a loved one has ADHD and lives in Canada, you can get ADHD medication by visiting a doctor, such as your family doctor or a specialist like a pediatrician or a psychiatrist. It is essential to remember that medication for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is not the only option, nor is it always the best one for everyone. Consultation with a qualified medical professional is essential to provide treatment tailored to each individual’s specific needs.


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